Thursday, April 17, 2008


While I don't claim a particular passion for children's photography, it sure is fun to capture adorable kids being themselves.


b said...

Kelly, I swear: you have SERIOUS talent. I am suddenly very much in doubt about this grad school thing...seriously: not only what you capture, but how you frame and treat. Stunning work.

Molly W. said...

Who are these adorable kids?! I think #3 is my fav. :)

Kellyry said...

b-I'm overwhelmed at even the idea of changing plans and trying to forge a career in photography. But thank you for thinking I could actually have a chance!

M-The kiddos, or rather the parents, are friends of BAM's. They brought BAM & I lunch Sunday when I was up there helping with the yard sale (sitting on my butt :-) last Sunday.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful pictures and such adorable kids! You are an amazing photographer Kel!