Saturday, May 3, 2008

Call me crazy. Or dedicated. I'll accept both.

My alarm went off at 4:00am this morning.
I climbed out of bed at 4:11am.
I drove off at 4:36am.
I weaved my way through the Angeles National Forest from 4:53-5:41am.
I finally arrived at the California Poppy Reserve at 6:02am.
I set up my camera on a tripod and I waited.

Well hello there, Sun.And then I walked around, wishing that I had made it earlier in the poppy season to witness the blooms blanketing the fields of the Antelope Valley. Nontheless, it was lovely just to be out so early with the chatter of birds and the soft rustle of the morning breeze.


Molly W. said...

wow -you get the hard core award!

DeniseMarie said...

Sorry you went to all that effort and sacrificed sleep time for a fairly ordinary sunrise that day. But you know that Ken says he goes out all the time and maybe 1 sunrise out of every 1000 is phenomenal. The rest--photographically speaking--are pretty eh. Good for you for giving it a shot, though. I look forward to your first "sunrise over Lake
Michigan" pictures. Brrrrrr!